
I am an author with two published novels and at the present I am working on a new Southern Drama manuscripts. I was published by Publish America and I don’t know if that is good or bad but at least my novels were not self-published. And they have not done so badly in sales.
I love writing and photography.

4 responses to “About

  1. I am finally gettig back to you in reference to your whereabouts! So sorry it has taken me so long! Every time I think of you (OFTEN!), my mind skips on to something else.

    Just want you to know your blog has been missed! Are you on Twitter? I noticed that on Amazon that one of your books is almost sold out! How great!

    You must be very busy with writing, but when you get the chance, please drop by and let all of us know how you are and what you’ve been up to!

    As always, Gwyn,
    I wish you enough. . .

  2. Saw your post on another site, and thought I’d say “hello.” You mentioned “Southern drama,” which, of course, is the grist for much humor. In my southern experience, Southern drama occurs with about every five footsteps.

    Nothing wrong with collaborating with a publisher. The market has changed quite drastically over the decades. I have a children’s book, “Stinky and the Night Mare,” being put together by Warren Publishing — but while they’re still not a “bona-fide” traditional publisher, I’m glad for the opportunity, just the same.

    My learning curve began with self-publishing “Through the Glass Darkly,” a compendium of eerie short stories, on Amazon.

    Good luck and cheers!

  3. What’s negative about self-publishing? I have and it’s worked out great for me!

  4. I’m so glad it worked for you. Good luck with your career.

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