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On this page of my blog you will find book reviews that I have written.   I have no degrees behind my name and am no authority on writing, I just know what I like and will tell you about them.  My one qualification is that I am an avid reader and have been since childhood.  As you have seen in some of my blogs, my older sister started reading to me when I was an infant.  (Now I don’t remember this but I’ve been told time and time again.) I was too young to sit alone so she would prop me beside her and read her novels to me. Thus I accredit her with my love for books of almost every genre.  Of course I love reading books on The Christian Life to help me grow in my walk with God.  And I will on occasion read non-fiction but my favorites are suspense and southern drama.  My youngest son tries to get me interested in history because he loves it. And when he tells me about whatever book he is reading he makes it sound so interesting I think I have to read that. However, when I pick it up and try on my own I am totally bored.  History is what it is and I’ll let him tell me about it.  My oldest son shares my interest in a good suspense novel.  He and I have shared many.  I’m thankful both of them are avid readers because I also started reading to them while I was pregnant.  (Could they hear me and were either intrigued or bored to tears?  Who knows.  Some say “yes” while others say “no.” ) And my grandson son also loves to read.  I feel I am so blessed.  So just be prepared if you click on this page you will read what I like or dislike.

Thank you and keep reading it is the best way to travel to places you may never physically go.