Tag Archives: unanswered prayers

Some of God’s Greatest Gifts


We are getting some much-needed rain here in Florida.  It rained several days last week and so far for three days this week.  This is a good thing because all our rivers, creeks, canals and etc. were so low.  Everybody was saying how things were going to dry up if we didn’t get rain.  I didn’t worry because I know our God is an on-time God and He will give us what we need exactly when we need it. Oh we might think He is dragging His heels or running late but remember He always knows what’s best.  We just need to have faith in Him.  I know there have been times when I’ve prayed for something and I didn’t get the answer for over a year.  But He came through when I actually needed it. 

     You have probably, as I have many times, heard people say that God will never put more on you than you can bear.  Well most of the time they are thinking about problems, heartaches etc.  But the same holds true for blessings.  God will never give us anything that we are not mature enough to handle.  We might thing “If I had a million dollars I’d do…”  But God knows exactly what you would do if you had that kind of money.  Not saying that you would but some just can not handle being rich.  Look at all the athletes and actress/actors who have made the big bucks then got hooked on drugs or alcohol.  They were not mature enough in their faith to handle the big money.

     If you are asking God for something and He doesn’t seem to be answering then go to Him again but this time ask Him what is standing in your way.  Ask Him what is in your life that you need to put aside or grow in understanding so you will be able to deal with whatever you are asking for.  Get in His Word and pray for maturity, ask Him to guide you in the paths that are right (Proverbs 3: 5-6.)  He will absolutely lead you in the way you should go.  I won’t guarantee that this will happen but farther down the road of life you will most probably look back and say “Thank You God for not answering that prayer.”  They say that some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.

     Thank you for stopping by.  Until next time stay safe and dry.