Singing Wires

     It is such a beautiful day here in Florida.  It started out cold, in the high 30s which I know is not so cold to some but believe me I stay snuggled in when it gets that low.  But by midmorning it had warmed up.  The sky is a clear blue so sharp and beautiful it tugs at your heart to look at it.  I took my dog for a walk along one of the paths where we go quite often.  Never before had I noticed this.  Don’t ask me why, maybe because I’m in my own world over half the time or so my husband says.  Anyway, we have to walk under some electric power lines in one place.  As we trudged along, my dog sniffing and me constantly saying “Off”  I suddenly noticed the humming coming from the power lines over our heads.  Yes, absolutely, it made me pay attention now.  I began to wonder if I was doing us more harm than good by taking this particular route.  Like I said we’ve gone there so many times before and it is one of our favorites because the course really gives us a good workout.  I’ve heard stories how people living under and close to high power lines get cancer but then that might just be an urban legend.  I know one thing I will definitely have to give it some thought and research.  But in the mean time we did enjoy our walk and I believe our hearts are saying “Thank you, thank you.”

I must run now and go over and play with my precious grandson.  He is eleven months old and crawling everywhere and getting into everything so I’ll get another workout from being with him.

Thanks for stopping by. Please come back soon.

God bless.

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