Category Archives: walking exercise



Last Friday my seven-year old grandson had the day off school and I was blessed to get to have him for the day

He and I had a picnic at a wilderness park that he loves dearly.  Of course he had to share some of his lunch with a curious squirrel.  I bet that rascal just hangs out close to the tables because he knows most humans have a soft heart and will give him some of whatever they are eating.


After we ate we hiked on the boardwalk and climbed the tower (I don’t like the tower but you can’t let a seven-year old go up there by himself.)

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It was a pleasant  afternoon and even the animals were enjoying the beautiful weather so we got a peek at the wildlife inhabitants.









I won’t bore you with all the photos but trust me there were several different gators, turtles, herons, crows, blue jays and many others.  I am so glad we had this time together and took a peek at the animals’ life and homes; making memories that will last a lifetime.

Thank you for stopping by and please come back soon until then take a walk in nature, you might be surprised how much you will enjoy it.


















I love to walk.  One year, I believe it was 2004, I had like eight surgeries on my left leg.  We won’t go in to details but I can tell you that year I couldn’t walk more than I could.  It is a terrible feeling to not be able to do the things you want to do.  Oh you see them around you and you know what is needed but you are unable to provide that need.  Sometimes I would stay thirsty because I hated to ask others to get me a drink.  I’ve always been sort of independent.  Now I’m not sure if that is a good thing or bad, I suppose it can be both depending on the situation.  Thus I walk all the time.  I do walks to raise money to fight cancer and raise money for the YMCA and what have you.  However, there are a few causes I won’t walk for but there is no need to name them here.  I feel walking is a wonderful gift from God.

A test for you. Take a day and don’t do any walking.  If you have to use the bathroom just hobble to it.  Then you can relate to the person who can’t walk.

I can assure you that walking isn’t usually crowded.  Why?  I have no idea because it is great exercise and if you hike in parks and what- have – you it is wonderful.  You see nature in its best possible way.   And it is a great time to talk to God and thank Him for all His blessings and especially for the ability to walk.



Get out there and try it.  Even if you just walk around your block or down the street.  Heck for that matter even if you just walk down your drive or around in your yard.  I’ve walked in my yard and seen some great things.  Of course when I walk in my yard I always find work that I need to do.

It doesn’t even have to be a beautiful sunny day because there is beauty in the rain.  Now you know I don’t mean storming but a fine mist or slow rain makes the stroll even more interesting.  There is just something refreshing about the mist kissing your cheeks

Thank you for stopping by and please come again soon.  If I’m not here I’m probably out walking somewhere or working in my yard.

God bless.



Good morning All,

Just a quick note to let you know that this year October 28,2017 I will be doing the Making strides Against Breast Cancer Walk in Tampa. Most of you know that I have one sister who survived breast cancer and another sister and niece who did not. So my participation in this event is to honor them and also help raise money to research and fight this horrible killer. Please don’t feel obligated to but if you wish to make a donation to help support my walk just go to You might have to cut and paste this site. Every little bit helps.

Thank you I appreciate your support.


I like to go for a three-mile walk every morning just to try and stay healthy.  I usually try to go around seven o’clock before it gets so hot.  This morning it was very nice; over cast and a nice breeze.  The breeze always helps. There is one hill that almost kicks my butt so I celebrate with a big drink of water when I crest it.  Small treats that makes one smile.  This grasshopper doesn’t have anything to do with my walk but I love his colors and was happy when I was able to capture his photo; another small treat.  God gives us so many things to be thankful for and we don’t have to look hard to find them.

CSC_0816     So what does grasshoppers and walks have to do with a row of ants?  Nothing really, I guess, except they are God’s creatures.  But as I’m walking I always notice these cars on one street I have to cross.  They are lined up like a row of ants waiting to get on the main highway and get to work or whatever.  People are so busy.  I once was a member of that rat race before I retired.  And I guess they don’t have a single thing to do with Shiny unless you can claim their headlights.  But it is interesting to see.  Just a few of my Monday thoughts.

Thank you for stopping by and God bless.  Stay safe out there.

Surrounded by Beauty

     I have been laid up with the flu all week even though I took the shot in the fall.  My doctor said this is a different strain, so what do I know?  Only that I was very sick and I am glad to once again be back with the living.

     The weather here has been in the high seventies the last couple of days and so beautiful.  I sat out on my back porch enjoying the sunshine.  At the far rear of our property a large Laurel Leaf Cherry tree was bustling with robins as their “cheerio cheerio” call filled the air.  A few wrens joined their sweet melodies to the songs with the occasional chatter of a gray squirrel.  This is nature’s music and so pleasant to the ear.

     I took a stroll around the yard and discovered some tiny wildflowers.  Yes, to many they are weeds but their blooms are still beautiful works of art.  Several small yellow butterflies flirted from plant to plant and up in the clear blue sky a hawk circled and squawked.  My banana trees are coming back, along with the Angel Trumpet and several other trees and plants that I was certain the cold had destroyed.  I am so blessed to live in such a beautiful peaceful place.  I thank God for it.  Yes, I love to travel and see different things but one of the most serene places I have found is sitting on my back porch or taking a stroll through my yard.

Thanks for stopping by.

God bless.

Singing Wires

     It is such a beautiful day here in Florida.  It started out cold, in the high 30s which I know is not so cold to some but believe me I stay snuggled in when it gets that low.  But by midmorning it had warmed up.  The sky is a clear blue so sharp and beautiful it tugs at your heart to look at it.  I took my dog for a walk along one of the paths where we go quite often.  Never before had I noticed this.  Don’t ask me why, maybe because I’m in my own world over half the time or so my husband says.  Anyway, we have to walk under some electric power lines in one place.  As we trudged along, my dog sniffing and me constantly saying “Off”  I suddenly noticed the humming coming from the power lines over our heads.  Yes, absolutely, it made me pay attention now.  I began to wonder if I was doing us more harm than good by taking this particular route.  Like I said we’ve gone there so many times before and it is one of our favorites because the course really gives us a good workout.  I’ve heard stories how people living under and close to high power lines get cancer but then that might just be an urban legend.  I know one thing I will definitely have to give it some thought and research.  But in the mean time we did enjoy our walk and I believe our hearts are saying “Thank you, thank you.”

I must run now and go over and play with my precious grandson.  He is eleven months old and crawling everywhere and getting into everything so I’ll get another workout from being with him.

Thanks for stopping by. Please come back soon.

God bless.

January in Tampa Bay

     The temperature was in the 70s in the Tampa Bay area this afternoon so my husband and I decided to take our precious grandson for a nice walk.  He is ten months old and such a happy little guy it is hard to be down in the dumps when he is around.  Being our only grandchild you can imagine how much joy he brings us.  Anyway, the sky was a perfect blue and not a cloud in sight.  We walked beside the lake and sat in a swing to watch the ducks.  The fellow in the photo above was also enjoying the perfect Florida weather. 

     Looking around at all the beauty it is absolutely impossible for me to understand how anyone could say “There is no God.”  God has given us so many wonderful things and all we have to do is take the time to stop and enjoy them.  Yes, I do understand that in this harried world where we live it seems everybody is dashing here and there without a minute to spare.  But I believe there would be less stress and unhappiness if we would all stop for a minute and look around us and appreciate the magnificence that God has provided.  Give it a try.  Look around and see how much beauty and good you can spot then take another minute and thank God for them.

Thanks for stopping by.  Please come back soon.

Taking Photos in The Park


Today was a great day for photos at Lettuce Lake Park.  I am so happy to have my camera back that this morning we decided to take our walk in the park.  I was able to get some good shots, however I forgot my zoom lense and left it at home.  Yes, I was disappointed.  So after lunch I decided to go back to the park and see if I could find anything I wanted to shoot (with the camera of course.)  Nature cooperated and I was able to get several good pictures.

I have uploaded some of my photos at  I know there is a way to connect these two sites but for the life of me I can’t figure out how.  Okay, so I’m not a computer person but I try.  I’ll keep trying and maybe figure it out sooner or later.  In the mean time if you would like to see some of my work please visit me on flickr.

I better close off and go to bed.  I have to rise early to go bike riding tomorrow.