
No pun intended.  I was looking for a photo with something ’round’ for this week’s photo challenge and I found these taken a while back.  They are different from a lot of mushrooms I’ve seen and I think they are pretty.  Of course, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right?  I’m always snapping a photo of something, but aren’t we all.  That is why we love our challenge every week.


I find mushrooms when we go hiking and sometimes just in my yard.  I know some are edible but since I don’t know which are I won’t take a chance.  I’ll just continue to click away with my camera.


Speaking of edible I know it is time for an update on my vegetable garden and I promise to do that in the next couple of days.

Thank you for stopping by and looking at my photos.  Until next time.  God bless.





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