Soon To Be a Memory

     When I started this blog I wondered what I should write about.  Oh trust me I would love to be spurtting out wonderful information about how to create strong characters, outline a manuscript, the best way to get published or any of the informative blogs on the business of being a successful author.  But you know what?  There is probably at the very least a million people already blogging with that kind of talk and they most likely know more about it than me.  And besides it just isn’t my forte. Instead I would rather write about more interesting subjects, like how long it takes for a black wall to fade to gray or how tall grass can grow in a year.  You know?  The truly interesting stuff.  When you read my blog you  might never be able to guess what subject I will write about next.  Soooo… let’s get started with the story for today.

     Remember a couple of weeks ago when I felt I really needed to go and take a picture of the little house on Main Street (pictured above) before it became history?  I am so glad that I followed my feelings and went because today I rode past there and they are demolishing the little house.  I’m thankful that I have the pictures to show what used to be there when they decide to build a large housing development in its place and the little house will be forgotten.  I like to think that if it could talk it would have had some wonderful stories about a happy family.   So I will keep looking for abandoned and forgotten houses and buildings and keep taking the photos so at least someone will remember them.

Have a blessed evening and please come back soon.

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