Tag Archives: photos



     I went to the beach today and it was wonderful.  The water might be a little too warm for some but I thought it was perfect and refreshing.  I don’t swim I only go out and dip but that is enough to get wet and stay cool.  Yes… yes I know I should have been writing on my manuscript but after all I am retired from my day job so I really must acknowledge my freedom at least once a week by doing something just for fun.

     Let me tell you one of my secrets.  I believe Coquina Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in Florida.  It is never too crowded; maybe because it is not as popular as some of our other beaches like Clearwater Beach.  At the parking area there are picnic tables among the Austrian Pines then a short walk over the sand dunes takes you to a stretch of white sand that ends at turquoise water.  Simply perfect!

     Today the waves were small; nothing big enough to knock you down but just enough so you know you’re at a beach.  Some people were parasailing, some boating at a distance and some on jet skis.  We are so blessed in Florida to have both the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean.  If we want calm we go to the gulf and if we want bigger waves we take a short drive to the ocean.  The best of both worlds.

     I’m ashamed I left my camera home today.  But I have taken lots of pictures of Coquina in the past and so I’m sharing one with you above this post.

     I’m almost afraid to publish this post in fear too many will find my secret and Coquina will become too crowded.  But I won’t be selfish; I hope you do visit my beach and you enjoy it as much as I do.

     Thanks for stopping by and until next time remember it is all right to take a leisure break at least once a week; especially if you are retire.  It will give you more to write about.

God bless.

Surrounded by Beauty

     I have been laid up with the flu all week even though I took the shot in the fall.  My doctor said this is a different strain, so what do I know?  Only that I was very sick and I am glad to once again be back with the living.

     The weather here has been in the high seventies the last couple of days and so beautiful.  I sat out on my back porch enjoying the sunshine.  At the far rear of our property a large Laurel Leaf Cherry tree was bustling with robins as their “cheerio cheerio” call filled the air.  A few wrens joined their sweet melodies to the songs with the occasional chatter of a gray squirrel.  This is nature’s music and so pleasant to the ear.

     I took a stroll around the yard and discovered some tiny wildflowers.  Yes, to many they are weeds but their blooms are still beautiful works of art.  Several small yellow butterflies flirted from plant to plant and up in the clear blue sky a hawk circled and squawked.  My banana trees are coming back, along with the Angel Trumpet and several other trees and plants that I was certain the cold had destroyed.  I am so blessed to live in such a beautiful peaceful place.  I thank God for it.  Yes, I love to travel and see different things but one of the most serene places I have found is sitting on my back porch or taking a stroll through my yard.

Thanks for stopping by.

God bless.

Soon To Be a Memory

     When I started this blog I wondered what I should write about.  Oh trust me I would love to be spurtting out wonderful information about how to create strong characters, outline a manuscript, the best way to get published or any of the informative blogs on the business of being a successful author.  But you know what?  There is probably at the very least a million people already blogging with that kind of talk and they most likely know more about it than me.  And besides it just isn’t my forte. Instead I would rather write about more interesting subjects, like how long it takes for a black wall to fade to gray or how tall grass can grow in a year.  You know?  The truly interesting stuff.  When you read my blog you  might never be able to guess what subject I will write about next.  Soooo… let’s get started with the story for today.

     Remember a couple of weeks ago when I felt I really needed to go and take a picture of the little house on Main Street (pictured above) before it became history?  I am so glad that I followed my feelings and went because today I rode past there and they are demolishing the little house.  I’m thankful that I have the pictures to show what used to be there when they decide to build a large housing development in its place and the little house will be forgotten.  I like to think that if it could talk it would have had some wonderful stories about a happy family.   So I will keep looking for abandoned and forgotten houses and buildings and keep taking the photos so at least someone will remember them.

Have a blessed evening and please come back soon.