Category Archives: Humility



Whenever I hear The Star Spangled Banner it brings tears to my eyes.  Am I being sentimental or patriotic?

We are so blessed to live in The United States of America.  Our freedom did not come free.  No… our fathers, brothers, husbands, sisters and even mothers paid the highest price for the rights we enjoy in this country and to stand and sing that song. They paid and are still paying so we can post how we feel about our country or anything else we so choose.  We can open our Bibles and read them in public without the fear of being punished or killed or have our families tortured because we follow Jesus.  As far as that goes we have a freedom to choose any religion we care to believe in.  I hate to hear someone run down our country.  If they don’t like it they have the freedom to leave any time they want.  It is true there are faults in The United States but I will take it over any other place on earth.  I am so thankful that God let me be born and live in such a beautiful and wonderful place.

When we hear The Star Spangled Banner lets all stand and be thankful for our military and the rights they provide for us every day.  So…am I sentimental or patriotic?  I like to think I am a little of both.



Missing RedOld Red

Now you might think I’m crazy but I missed Old Red screeching out a crow saying it was time to get up when it was still dark outside.  I missed him escaping through a hole in the wire of the chicken pen and scratching in the leaves looking for bugs; and Momma chasing him out of her flower beds and garden.  I didn’t miss Pearl as much because mostly she just clucked and stayed in the pen.  It seemed we were slowly erasing everything from the farm except our memories.  Now our life was the Creek just like all the neighbors.  We all struggled to get by but shared what we had and were happy to help anyone in need. Everyone had memories they liked to talk about.  When the weather got warmer they would stop by and sit on the edge of the porch dangling their feet and legs over the side and recall better times.  Sometimes if Momma was caught up with the laundry she did for the fancy ladies in town we would walk to where people were gathered at someone else’s front porch and listen to the stories.  While the grown ups talked the kids played chase or baseball in the street. It had not rained in weeks so the red Georgia clay had been ground by vehicles and feet to a soft, orange powder.  Our bases were smashed cans and nobody had gloves. We used a short weathered-gray board for the bat.  When someone would slide for a base the dust would swirl and settle over all of us.

As the days grew longer and warmer Momma dug a five gallon bucket of chicken poop from the pen.  Then with Daddy’s old push plow she tilted the compost into the soil and made a garden.  She planted rows of peas, beans, squash, potatoes and tomatoes.  If everything came up and did well we would can them and have vegetables for this coming winter.

Now we slept with our windows open and listened to the crickets and the low hooting of an owl hunting in the woods behind our house.  I would look out the window and watch the fireflies darting about in the darkness.  A soft breeze slipped in and cooled the room.  I was getting to know the survival techniques of the Creek and had come to love the life I now lived.  I thanked God for not punishing me for my mean thoughts and selfish actions and promised to try and do better.  Then with a heavy sigh I rolled over onto my side and fell asleep.

Thank you for stopping by.  I hope you come back soon for more tales.  God bless.



Well the election is over and it doesn’t matter who you voted for and it really is none of my business.  I’ve heard people who are ecstatic that President Obama has been given another chance to see what he can do.  Whether it is good or bad, fair or unfair is not for me to say.  And, on the other hand I’ve heard people say that now our country will go to hell in a hand basket; that President Obama will not only give away the farm but will toss in the livestock.  Again, it is not for me to say what my opinion is on the subject.  Honestly, I’m not worried one way or the other.  Long before last Tuesday my son reminded me that no matter who is president that Jesus is still King.  To me that’s all that’s important.  I know no matter what that God will always take care of me and my family.  He always has.

     Are you worried about the country?  Come on… do you honestly think one man can build our country up or tear it down?  Only God can destroy our country.  We must exercise our faith in Him.  Remember what He promised in 2 Chronicles 7:14  if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear their prayers from Heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land.  So there you go!  Christians should not be wasting their time pointing fingers and blaming others.  The reason our country is in the mess it is in is because God’s people, His children have turned away from listening to Him and following His principles and virtues and have started living like the world.  Today it is hard sometimes to tell the Christians from the world.  We accept far more than we should and we fail to stand up and speak up for our beliefs.  When they wanted to take prayer and devotionals out of the public schools we sat on our hands and let them.  Then they wanted to remove the Ten Commandments from all public buildings and again we did not speak up.  They said it is all right to kill unborn babies and we allowed that and same-sex marriage and on and on and on…  Where does it stop?

     It will stop when Christians get on their knees and humble themselves, pray and seek His face and turn from their wicked ways!  So stop blaming President Obama or whoever is in office and start putting the blame on our backs where it belongs.  If God’s children will pray and stand up for God’s principles and virtues (and apply them to their lives) this country can once again be a wonderful place to live.  Our children can play outside or walk a block to the store without having to worry about being kidnapped, raped and/or murdered.  Neighbors will be willing to help neighbors.  Yes, there will be jobs for everyone and we can once again freely seek the American Dream.  It is up to us, not one of us but all of us.  Christians you should never have to tell someone you are a Christian they should be able to tell it by the way you live.

     Thanks for stopping by and until next time please read your Bible, seek God’s way and keep praying.  We can once again be God’s Client Nation and have His favor.

Surrounded by Beauty

     I have been laid up with the flu all week even though I took the shot in the fall.  My doctor said this is a different strain, so what do I know?  Only that I was very sick and I am glad to once again be back with the living.

     The weather here has been in the high seventies the last couple of days and so beautiful.  I sat out on my back porch enjoying the sunshine.  At the far rear of our property a large Laurel Leaf Cherry tree was bustling with robins as their “cheerio cheerio” call filled the air.  A few wrens joined their sweet melodies to the songs with the occasional chatter of a gray squirrel.  This is nature’s music and so pleasant to the ear.

     I took a stroll around the yard and discovered some tiny wildflowers.  Yes, to many they are weeds but their blooms are still beautiful works of art.  Several small yellow butterflies flirted from plant to plant and up in the clear blue sky a hawk circled and squawked.  My banana trees are coming back, along with the Angel Trumpet and several other trees and plants that I was certain the cold had destroyed.  I am so blessed to live in such a beautiful peaceful place.  I thank God for it.  Yes, I love to travel and see different things but one of the most serene places I have found is sitting on my back porch or taking a stroll through my yard.

Thanks for stopping by.

God bless.

My Addiction is Behind Me

Devotion for Feb. 4, 2011

Exodus 3:1-22

     When we quit trying to solve our problems our way and by our own strength and seek God’s ways we will be surprised what God will do in and through us. In Exodus 2:11-25 we see how Moses tried to do things his way.  When he saw the Egyptian beating a Hebrew slave he killed him then buried him in the sand.  The next day he went out and saw two Hebrews fighting when he tried to intercede they asked if he was going to kill them too.  So he fled the country.  He saw that he could not take care of things his way.  However, the verses today show what would happen when he relied on God.

     God is here for us just as He was there for Abraham, Moses, David and all the people in the Bible.  We just have to learn to turn to Him and trust His promises.  What he did for them He will do for us.

     I was a 2 1/2 pack a day smoker.  I tried over and over to quit in my strength but each time I failed.  It seemed after each failure I smoked even more.  I hated it but I was addicted!  Then one night I pled to God to please take the addiction away.  I told Him I was claiming His promise that Jesus said “Whatever I asked for in His name and believed I had it then it was mine.”  So I told God I was claiming to be addiction free.  Then I went to sleep.  The next morning when I awoke I did not crave a cigarette. (That was usually the first thing I did; lite up before I got out of bed.)  From that day ’til this I have not wanted a cigarette.  I can be around others smoking and it doesn’t make me want one.  It has been over twenty years and I praise God for taking away my addiction.  It was not anything I did IT WAS ALL GOD.  I know God keeps His promises.  Trust Him and see what He will do in your life.

Thanks for stopping by.

God bless.

Our Pattern for Life

Monday January 31, 2011 Devotional

Colossians 2: 6-10

     When we were saved we became a new creature in Christ.  this does not mean living the Christian life will be all honey and roses.  No, it won’t be easy.  In fact, God knew we could never do it on our own so He sent us the Holy Spirit to indwell us and to guide and teach us.  God wants us to be like Jesus.  We are to strive to pattern our lives after Jesus.

     Jesus was full deity and full man.  He was not half and half.  He chose to lay down His deity of being One with God. (In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God. John 1:1)  Jesus is God’s only begotten Son!  Yet, He willingly lay down His deity and became flesh (human) to fulfill God’s plan for our salvation.  No one forced Him to do it, He did it on His own accord.  He did not come as some high king or prince when He came to live among us.  No, He came as a servant.  He told us that He came to serve not to be served.  He most likely learned Joseph’s trade of being a carpenter (definitely hard work.)  He did not own an earthly home (no place of His own to lay His head) and once He began to teach he lived on alms.  Jesus was eminently humble and we especially need to learn this. (Learn of Me, for I am gently and humble in heart. Matthew 11:29)

     What am I saying?  If we want to live the Christian life we must pattern our lives after Jesus.  We are not to be proud, haughty and boastful but rather be kind and gentle treating others with love.

Thanks for stopping by.